

The Ohio English Language Arts Academic Content Standards

 The link will lead you to the ODE website where the academic content standards for English & Language Arts can be accessed. It is important that when creating any lesson for a class a teacher must gear it towards the content standards of that subject and grade level. This can be useful when trying to create a lesson on a topic that may not normally be covered in that subject. 




Education Encyclopedia

  This site is a resource for professional educators and students studying education. Through the search engine an educator can look for articles about certain topics dealing with schools, lessons, and the everyday wellness of his or her students. Each article is well researched with an extensive bibliography, sites relating to the topic and help with citing the material.




Educator Tools

 A site with free printable resources for teachers. These resources include a parent teacher communication log, planner sheet, lined paper, worksheets relating to different subjects and even a printable grade book. The one resource that I felt would be useful is the parent teacher communication log because it is important to keep track of conversations with a student's parents.




Real Life Teens

Real Life Teens is a video series that covers important issues teens are facing today and the different ways to face them. "Real Life Teens is an unbiased and realistic look from the perspective of teens, at the wide variety of issues teens face today featuring young teenagers (not actors) telling their real stories, in their own words. The series discusses significant issues in adolescent society and cuts through many barriers with its honest and relevant advice and information. There are 35 different videos in the series that can be shown in the classroom; each of them covering different teen related topics. 




 Teacher Burnout

This is a common problem among teachers first entering the field or even teachers who have been in the field. I feel that it is necessary for all teachers to know and understand what teacher burnout means, so that they can find a solution to the exhaustion they maybe feeling.

