Mental Health

 Mental Health Disorders in Children and Teens

This is a website that defines what a mental health disorder is and lists some statistics relating to the number of students it affects and what age levels. There are also some links to other websites that go into further detail about the specific mental health disorders such as ADD/ADHD, Suicide, Tourettes.




Teen Depression

This is a website dedicated to only teen depression. The site offers resources for students, parents, and teachers about dealing with teen depression. " Teen Depression is presented for troubled teens or parents of teens. We offer information on teenage depression, issues, and other teen problems. Our articles were written to educate parents and teens about adolescent depression, the warning signs, and various treatment options available." It is important that a teacher know how to recognize teen depression so that he/she can help the student in school. Students who suffer from depression may not be doing well in school because of the disorder and need help from a teacher.

There is also a page that has a list of links to visit that relate to teen depression.




Mental Health Issues in School

 This is an article for educators and schools about mental health issues in the schools. It is important for a teachers and schools to meet the needs of students who need help. The article defines what mental health issues are and lists some recommendations for schools to follow to be able to better support students with mental health issues. Some of these recommendations include: hiring adequate personal (from teacher to bus driver), create opportunities to access the mental health needs of students on a regular basis. 




Tourettes in the Classroom

This is a website for teachers that informs them about tourettes  syndrome. There is a PDF file for almost resource a teacher would need: defining tourettes, chart of common tics, informing other students about tourettes, a letter to parents, and teaching students with  tourettes. There are also a number of different educator articles about providing support for students with the disorder. It is important that teacher take the time to know about different disorders like this so that they can better help the students in their classes that may suffer from this. If a teacher is unaware of what the disorder is and what to do for students who suffer from it, then they will not be able to help students succeed.




School Behavior

This is the same website where you can find the tourettes information. The reason it appears twice is because there is a ton of information relating to other mental health disorders that might appear in the classroom. Each page is set up the same way as the tourette's page and has lots of great information for educators about the different disorders and teaching students with these disorders. 

